

29th April2009
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London Image
I've gotten to London about a week ago and I live on this beautiful idyllic street, lined with trees that are in bloom and well groomed small gardens. It's very lovely.This is the view from my bedroom.It's really lovely.

Personal Space

Personal Space

17th April2009
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I've been running around town like a powered up Packman, since I have a million things I need to buy&fix before Florence and London. This running around town have made me realize something I've thought of before, the act of queuing.Queues are often organized things were people stand in a line and wait to get to the ATM

The IT guys

The IT guys

16th April2009
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As I might have mentioned before, I currently work at an advertising firm and one of my biggest tasks is that I am managing a website, that is going to be built (hopefully sometime in the foreseeable future).So in the last 4 months I have been in numerous meetings with IT guys, trying to find someone who can

Schedule from hell

Schedule from hell

15th April2009
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I have about a week left in Sweden in total. 3 days in this week (before Florence) and 4 days in next week (after Florence). I have a long long list of thins to do.I need to go to the cobbler with two pair of heels (make them fit for London pavements)I need to go to the pharmacy(stack



10th April2009
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I'm going up to the countryside house for Easter, I'm also going up there to work. Yes, I've done it again trying to have two jobs. But this time it's not a fulltime and a partime at the same time. It's working at another job when I'm free from the first. So a bit more sensible than before...However,

Hairy Calves

Hairy Calves

08th April2009
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Hairy Calves Image
Since it's springtime, people let their clothes drop... This is rather interesting, because the sudden 'heath wave' and sunshine make people proceed with rash decisions or does it? Of course I am referring to people who wear shorts or short trousers showing off their hairy calves. I saw the first pair of hairy calves yesterday on my way

Time to Travel

Time to Travel

07th April2009
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Time to Travel Image
I have to say that I am getting excited! I have some travels in my foreseeable future.In 11 days, I am going to Florence with my mother. This will be a short 4 days trip, just to eat some good Italian food, shop some shoes and get some sun. I look forward to this trip because it will

Friday dream world

Friday dream world

03th April2009
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Friday dream world Image
After two days of moderate to a lot of sunshine, something has happened...I woke up and it felt like I was still in a dream world. It was extremely white outside, a foggy mist had surrounded the city and was lightly hugging the rooftops all around. While my omelette was spreading a lovely smell from the stove I

Thursday in Pictures

Thursday in Pictures

02th April2009
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Thursday in Pictures Image
Broken down pose or showing off amazing big-sleeved cardigan?The Boy made food for our picnic lunch in the parkThe Boy snapped a shot of me when I was off guard.The ParkOur office-dog



01th April2009
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"Thou shalt not think that any male over the age of 30 that plays with a child that is not their own is a pedophile. Some people are just nice."- Dan le Sac vs. Scroobias Pip(from the song "Thou shalt always kill")This brings me to think of two rather unusual situations that I have witnessed over the last