Credulous, not naive

Credulous, not naive

28th May2009
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I've just realized that people easily mistake someone being credulous for being naive. It's sad, really. I like to believe that people are honest and decent. However, I'm not stupid since I obviously can tell when someone's just taking the piss.I have somehow surrounded myself with some people who do not get the fine difference. I used to

Back home

Back home

25th May2009
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Back home Image
So, I'm back in Sweden. I'm trying to take the good with the bad (and the ugly). It's both nice to be home but at the same time it is rather hard.I have a ton of things I need to straighten out before autumn and before The Big Move. But after my trip to London I feel more

Spun into a blur

Spun into a blur

16th May2009
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London is just a blur of events. School is keeping a high level of speed, meeting up with friends everyday of the week and gigs&pubs to go to. It all spins by too fast.I've already been here for 3 weeks and the next week is my last. After that it's back to Sweden for some Swedish summer (rain)

I'll see you soon

I'll see you soon

04th May2009
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Some people you meet, often at pubs and parties, you know that you will probably never see again. Sometimes that's fine, but sometimes it is not. When you meet someone who you get along well with, it's hard to except the fact that they may just view you as one of those people you'll never meet again.They always