Just Like Me

Just Like Me

27th July2009
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C. visited me over the weekend. It was really nice to be able to show off my City, which I now know I'm deeply in love with. It was nice to have an other person around, who makes me laugh and who's company I adore.I still think about how things ended off with The Boy, I know that

Out Of The Blue

Out Of The Blue

16th July2009
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I've realized a wound on my back, it's about 2 inches long and a half inch wide. And I Have No Idea Where It Came From.Utterly bizarre...It looks a bit like a burn mark, but I can't for the life of me figure out in situation it could have been created.It's like that scar about an inch long

Trapped in Strawberry Fields

Trapped in Strawberry Fields

11th July2009
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I've just realized that I'm going to be trapped on the countryside for 24 more hours than what I expected. Kill Me Now.Plus my trip to the city has been shortened by the same amount of time (after that I have to return to the countryside). But I guess that's just typical - you always wish you were

The End Of The Beginning

The End Of The Beginning

06th July2009
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I've just gotten back from a music festival and I feel completely exhausted both physically and mentally. I saw loads of band and had a wicked time, still a piece of the puzzle is missing - which will be gone forever.The Boy and I, broke things off after two and a half years of a lovely relationship. It