Down My High Street

Down My High Street

12th October2010
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In between my house and the part of campus I've got my classes on, there is 20 min walk down our local high street. A road which is full of energy, bustling and alive but never to busy or loud.Walking down the high street today, I did a few stops. Regular everyday encounters, but little glimpses of why

Breakfast in bed.

Breakfast in bed.

02th October2010
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I woke up to warmed tomato and cheese baguettes companioned by freshly ground coffee, which he had gone out and bought from our local cafe. Breakfast in bed on a rainy Saturday makes me feel like a princess. But he always tells me he only treats me the way I deserve to be treated. So when he falls

Mouth rape

Mouth rape

16th August2010
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My mouth has been abused.And it hurt.I went to the dentist. My mouth has been abused.And it hurt.I went to the dentist.

Whitecross Street Party

Back home, sweetheart!

Back home, sweetheart!

04th August2010
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I'm back home, all my friends are in my livingroom; drinking, laughing and talking about the good old days. Drunk on KIR, in the town where I grew up.Life's good. I'm back home, all my friends are in my livingroom; drinking, laughing and talking about the good old days. Drunk on KIR, in the town where I grew



24th June2010
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She grew up in a nice neighborhoodBut it didn't do her no good She grew up in a nice neighborhoodBut it didn't do her no good

This one's for you

This one's for you

25th May2010
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I'd wear you on my arm like a brand new scar. I'd wear you on my arm like a brand new scar.

How to learn how to swim

How to learn how to swim

19th May2010
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I can spot a broken person just as easily as a fashionista can spot a fake Gucci bag.And I see these people, they put on a breave face but really they are broken. And I give of myself maybe a little bit more than I should. Becuase I see, I know and I want to help. However, I



14th May2010
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I am recklessReckless enough to through myself off a cliffBut there has to be beautyOn the horizonThere has to be fog on the horizon'Cuase no matter what goes down my throat or up my noseI still knowWhere I belongAnd no matter if you break me into a million piecesI will still pick myself upI can destroy myselfKnowing that

It Takes Two To Tango

It Takes Two To Tango

21th April2010
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Someone spent 15 min. on a bus yesterday with a milkshake in their hand just to come and give it to me. That someone is A. someone who's been in my life since last autumn, but hasn't been featured in the blog. It's been too precious and too private. Thought I should give him a introduction, so that

A line allows progress, a circle does not

A line allows progress, a circle does not

26th March2010
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On my way out to a party: The First Time In A Long Time.I'm not the club kid I once use to be, I guess because I like myself more now - if that makes any sense at all? To me (amongst other things) parties represent the way I use to be, which can be described with a

Japanese Gum

Japanese Gum

10th March2010
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I appreciate your help, but even you can't save me from myself. I appreciate your help, but even you can't save me from myself.



01th March2010
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A few years back I was going through a bit of a rough patch. Feeling low and having no self-preservation really tires out your friends and family after a while. The thing is that everyone thinks that they are going to hold up but let's be frank - time wears everyone down.The people around you will inevitably want

Green thoughts

Green thoughts

23th February2010
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I have every now and again passing thoughts about the environment and in this green era - don't we all? However, some things at different brands and stores, I just find extremely illogical. Therefore, below, I will present you with some of the things that tick me off the most. 1.) Carrier Bags Vs. Reusable Bags Sainsbury, amongst

Shadows [a serie of photos]

Old Diary

Old Diary

12th January2010
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I found all my old diaries from a couple of years back. Since I haven't written here in a while I thought I should start rewriting some pages of my old thoughts.Monday 29th of May, 2006 (12.29)My new motto is: No regrets, walk in a straight line and smile prettyMy last entry before heading out to sea for