A line allows progress, a circle does not

A line allows progress, a circle does not

26th March2010
By with 2 Comments
On my way out to a party: The First Time In A Long Time.I'm not the club kid I once use to be, I guess because I like myself more now - if that makes any sense at all? To me (amongst other things) parties represent the way I use to be, which can be described with a

Japanese Gum

Japanese Gum

10th March2010
By with 0 Comments
I appreciate your help, but even you can't save me from myself. I appreciate your help, but even you can't save me from myself.



01th March2010
By with 1 Comments
A few years back I was going through a bit of a rough patch. Feeling low and having no self-preservation really tires out your friends and family after a while. The thing is that everyone thinks that they are going to hold up but let's be frank - time wears everyone down.The people around you will inevitably want