Long lost friends

Long lost friends

25th September2012
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Someone I haven't spoken to properly in years have just reached out to me - it's strange in a way it makes you wonder what goes through their head when they think "I think I'm going to talk to this person now after years of nothing" Clearly something must have happened in their life to make them reach

First Dates

First Dates

21th September2012
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So I went out on this innocent but dreadful boring first date and all I could think was why am I putting myself through this? Secondly I thought to myself, about the last boy I kind of dated: That for a second you could have had me so easily If you just would have wanted me enough I

The wolf whistle

The wolf whistle

21th September2012
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As girls may know, every once in a while when walking past a construction site or even just a stranger on the street - one will get some kind of whistle/attention/comment. Let me just start by saying that this normally doesn't happen to me, when I say that I mean at all But the last few weeks there

Dreams 2

Dreams 2

19th September2012
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This post will be about nightmares - yes those... I don't know how it is for you, dearest reader, but for me my nightmares always feel unshakingly real. As you probably could tell from my post Dreams 1 I have fairly vivid dreams and can often remember full dreams, multiple dreams from one night or at least I

Dreams 1

Dreams 1

18th September2012
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So dreams is a funny subject - some people remember theirs and some don't. They say we all have them, but talking to people about it one starts to sense the differences in peoples dreaming experience. Some things I can do in my dreams that most of my friends can't: 1. Free will I know in my dreams



12th September2012
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So after 3 years of work, I've finished my Bachelors degree in Music and Media Management and the graduation ceremony is looming and I must say: I'm not all that excited by it. I got my grades. I got my certificate. Why, oh why is there a need for me to pay money for a cap and gown

Columbia Road Flower Market

Columbia Road Flower Market

10th September2012
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Columbia Road Flower Market Image
I went to the flower market this Sunday, I was looking for some lily of the valley... But I guess that roses weren't that bad either... Oh, they so pretty. Still need to look out for some Lily of the Valley.

Leave it alone

Leave it alone

10th September2012
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Silence, a good week worth of it. A part of me wants to reach out to you, want to see you. But a more rational part of me is thinking 'Leave it!' There's so many good reasons as why to leave it alone: You probably don't care that much, hence not really being bothered enough to keep in

A boy

A boy

03th September2012
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I like you But I don't love you You can sleep around, and you do And I expect you to But I wouldn't want you to I know you say you like me But I don't trust you I want to be with you But I don't want a relationship I want you to want a relationship with