Jack Frost

Jack Frost

29th March2013
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How can you not love a nail polish called 'Jack Frost'? How can you not love a nail polish called 'Jack Frost'?

Did I forget?

Did I forget?

25th March2013
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I have recently seen an increase in my mind thinking the following phrases: "Did I really lock the front door?" "Did I leave anything electrical on in my room?" "Did I just do/say that or was that just a very real worst case senario in my head?" I guess I am growing old or paranoid... Or maybe both.

How to live a cheap life

How to live a cheap life

25th March2013
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So at the moment I am trying, well failing to try to live a cheap life. Mostly it consists of me thinking "Do I really need to buy this?" and trying to evaluate my choices more. But trying to live the cheap life is hard in an expensive city. The first plan would be to cut out unnecessary



25th March2013
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This song Trubbel (Trouble), is in my favorite version sung by the popular Swedish singer Håkan Hellström. I've decided to translate it for you because it's a lovely song that describes spring as well as heart ache. When I listen to this song I think of spring, blue sky with white fluffy clouds and flowers just about to

I like him, but it won't work out.

I like him, but it won't work out.

20th March2013
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I like him, but it won't work out. Image
So I've had this guy in my life for a while - who I kind of like. He's sweet, we get along even though we don't know each other that well. We have a lot of things in common. We first met last summer when I went back to home and then I saw him again for Chirstmas.

No Night On The Town

No Night On The Town

16th March2013
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Going out, a night on the town, going clubbing - all of this takes effort and I really do not do it as often as I should. These are the years - when you are young when you should be doing this. Don't get me wrong I am not saying I should do this just because, I do

High Ambitions 2

High Ambitions 2

15th March2013
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"You catch more flies with honey than vinegar" Back to being detailed focused and having an subconscious ability of putting those who do not share this trait on the spot. I have realised that I drive a very hard line - I expect people to function like me and work the way that I do. Wrong, the world

High Ambitions 1

High Ambitions 1

14th March2013
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As a person, I have been brought up in a family to have very high ambitions and been pushed to constantly strive and to reach a certain level of achievements. Not in an extremely pressurized way but more of a 'leave all your doors open type of way' for example my parents would always say: "It doesn't matter

Strange Stranger

Strange Stranger

12th March2013
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I was on the tube today (underground trains a.k.a. subway for all you lovely Americans) and I noticed the strangest behavior from this guy sitting directly opposite to me. Looks Late 20's or early 30's, well dressed suit with a waist long winter jacket paired with nice leather shoes and short brown hair. Very well dress run of

The friend who disappeared

The friend who disappeared

12th March2013
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We all have friends that we see less frequently, some that we might only see every 6 months for a quick catch up. One of these friends in my life has completely disappered. He has always been bad at keeping in contact, bad at responding to emails or texts. But lately he has just disappeared completely - he

Friendship Deja-vu

Friendship Deja-vu

10th March2013
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There are certain friendships where I feel this strong sense of deja-vu, I will catch myself out and realize that we've already been through this once, twice maybe even three times before. I ask myself some times: "Why do I keep bothering, I mean what's the point?"  Friend No. 1 He will call me quite frequently, maybe a

Swedish Elliphant

Swedish Elliphant

07th March2013
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Another good thing to come out of Sweden. She spent a fair bit of time in the UK before returning to the Mother Country and creating this sweet music. Elliphant - Down on Life The song just makes me want to dance around somewhere which has shadows and dirt.

How to stay professional

How to stay professional

05th March2013
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 After a client meeting my manager and I were taking the tube to towards the same direction. I was going back to the office and he was going to a major record label for meeting. I asked him if was going to a specific office - trying to show off my little knowledge about the ins and outs

Happy Mix Morning - AlunaGeorge

Happy Mix Morning - AlunaGeorge

03th March2013
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This little 5 minute mix by the brilliant AlunaGeorge, is truly how I recommend how to start a Monday morning. This mix and a cup of coffee and you are golden. Really giving a bit brightness to another start of the week.