Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

17th September2013
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You have just left, but I miss you already... You have just left, but I miss you already...



10th September2013
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I've had this song stuck on my mind, on repeat, for the last 24 hours. I find it surprisingly energising in the morning.

Darkest Light

Darkest Light

03th September2013
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Hypnotise Look me in the eyes Release your mind I can make you mine

Tube Tales I

Tube Tales I

02th September2013
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A few days ago on the tube - I was sitting a couple of seats away from a middle aged man. He was sitting with his head titled forward and he was asleep. Not only was he asleep but he was snoring so loudly that I could hear it through my earphones filled with music. In fact I