5 fresh, hot bands

5 fresh, hot bands

17th December2008
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I thought I should introduce you to some of my faourite bands, who all are in my mental genre of small&sweet (where I place good, small and unsigned bands). They are all from Sweden, so therefore I'm juts going to specific where in Sweden they are from.The BandsPowerblade - A duo from Gothenburg who's got a playful electro



16th December2008
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SMK, is short for Slagsmålsklubben, the band I told you a bit about in my last blog entry. They have been around for a while and we all used to go and see all the free live gigs, their music is the one we used party to and dance around to at after parties. They are a crazy

The UK addiction

The UK addiction

15th December2008
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I'm so incredibly tired of hearing the Swedish language, I don't really know why but ever now and again I just snap into this mindset of Swedish begin a sort of necessary pain. It's like I need to hear English around me to feel at ease. However I'm not big on the American accents, so turning on the

Combat baby, Come back baby

Combat baby, Come back baby

10th December2008
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I'm currently listening to music at my 8 to 5 work, since I only answer the phone once in a while, so it's fine. I've got quite good headphones, so I don't bother anyone else.I thought I should list the songs, that I haven't listen that much to(some of them however are my bands/artists I really like). But

Hair & Synth

Hair & Synth

09th December2008
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I went to my hairdresser today. As we all may know from our own past experiences it's really hard to find a good hairdresser. At least that's how it used to be for me. Either they are the sort of person that you really get along with, but they can't cut your hair properly or they are the

Broder Daniel

Broder Daniel

08th December2008
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As you may know, I'm a music girl. As I usually describe it:"Music is the soundtrack of my life"This is why, I thought I should post a entry telling you about one of Gothenburgs most famous bands. They embody what in the rest of Sweden is know as "The Gothenburg Sound" which refers to a pop sound mainly

Calm&Quite, Surprise - Weekend

Calm&Quite, Surprise - Weekend

07th December2008
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I've had the slowest weekend ever, I've been feeling a bit under the weather lately, so I just stayed home and got some quality time with myself, which was quite a nice change.I've done quite a lot of research for my upcoming trip to Berlin. My parents always go on holidays with me just after New Years. So

The Big Questions

The Big Questions

27th November2008
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Hello darling youtubers,This is the blog entry I was talking about in my latest video. Below in the comments I'd like you to ask me questions, post subjects or whatever you'd like. This is going to be the blog version of Morning Talk. I know it isn't as fun as videos and Morning Talk. But at the moment

Crack the whip

Crack the whip

18th November2008
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We got a new manger over at the event company. Her task is really just to keep track of the employees and make our schedules and things like that. Her main task, though, is to create an environment where we can preform our best (as we always should). She is taking this a bit seriously...She has already announced

Who is Drizzlekid? Why does she 'goes London'?

Who is Drizzlekid? Why does she 'goes London'?

13th November2008
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I guess since this is a brand new shiny blog I should kick it off with an introduction, it might be a bit boring to write, but I think that it'll help you (the readers) to put a lot of my anecdotes into a perspective.I'm Swedish and live in Gothenburg, which is the second biggest city of Sweden

Drizzlekid goes London

Drizzlekid goes London

12th November2008
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So, why two blogs? you might be asking yourself. The answer is simple, since I already have a Swedish blog where I pour my heart out, I figured that having an English blogs as well would:A.) Give all my friends, who do not speak swedish a chance to read whatever I like to writeB.) Since I'm no longer