SMK, is short for SlagsmÄlsklubben, the band I told you a bit about in my last blog entry. They have been around for a while and we all used to go and see all the free live gigs, their music is the one we used party to and dance around to at after parties. They are a crazy lovely lot, they are known for their party ways and outrageous lifestyle. They made a music video, released on youtube with footage from their touring that might give you a glimpse of what they are all about. The video is to their song Rakade ögonbryn skall det vara (It should be shaved eyebrows)

There are quite a few videos on youtube about them. However there are two that really stand out. They are both just small glimpse into their sense of humor and their lifestyle. Since you, my darling readers, don't really understand Swedish(most of you don't anyway) I'm going to post the videos and the translation underneath, so that you can watch and enjoy!

Frej frÄn SMK pÄ Hultsfredsfestivalen 2003
Frej from SMK at Hultsfredsfestivalen(a Swedish music festival) 2003

Jag köpte 20 vinyl singlar av en bajspunkare
I bought 20 vinyl singles from a "poop-punker"
Han ville ha 250, men jag fick dem för 200, fick jag
He wanted 250, but I got them for 200, I did
SÄ gick jag runt och sÄlde dem och sa att det var radioheads sidoprojekt (skratt)
I went around selling them and said that it was Radioheads side projekt (laughters)
Jag sÄlde alla 20 för 50 kronor styck, det genererarde Ätskilliga (nÄgon annan 1000)
I sold them all 20 for 50 swedish kronor a pop, which generated considerable (someone else: 1000)
(frej stirrar pÄ personen) Ätskilliga pengar, tÀnkte jag sÀga
(frej glares at the person) a considerable amout of money, was what I was going to say
Fast det var svenska text pÄ baksidan, men det var en svenska lantion ocksÄ sa jag
Eventhough there were Swedish text on the back of them (the vinyl singles), but it was a Swedish release I told them
sen har jag ocksÄ hittat en plÄnbok (nÄgon annan vad Àr en lantion?)
I have also found a wallet (someone else what's a release?)
(om plÄnboken) det Àr abnormt mycket pengar i
(about the wallet) it's abnormaly large amount of money in it
Jag har inga intentioner pÄ att lÀmna tillbaka nÄtt som helst av dessa pengar (nÄgon annan fan vad mycket pengar)
I have no intentions what so ever to return any of these money (someone else fuck, that's a lot of money)
Det Àr en 500 lapp ocksÄ (hÄller upp en sedel)
There's a 500 note too (holds up a note)
NÄgon bunte sÄdÀr...
Just a bunch, whatever...
Det Àr ju överkomligt (skratt)
It's moderate (laughters)

SMK hittar inte munspelet
SMK can't find the harmonica

Intervjuare: Ja, jag sitter dÄ hÀr med tvÄ av medlemmarna i den eminentat electronica kvintetten SlagsmÄlsklubben. Hur upplever ni stÀmningen hitills? (stÀcker fram micken)
Interviewer: Well, I'm sitting here with two members of the eminet electronica quintet SlagsmÄlsklubben. How do you experience the atmosphere so far? (reaches out the mic)
Björn: alltsÄ jag...
Björn: Really I...
(oidentifierad personen som gÄr fram) den Àr underbar, alltsÄ fan...
(unidentified person walks into the picture) It's wonderful, really fucking...
Björn: alltsÄ jag..
Björn: Really I...
Frej: lÀgg ut dom dÀr (pekar) sÄ det inte kommer nÄgon mÄlarfÀrg pÄ golvet.
Frej: Lay those out there (points) so there won't be any paint on the floor.
Björn: alltsÄ jag...
Björn: Really I...
Intervjuare: Vi frÄgar björn i bandet (strÀcker fram micken igen)
Interviewer: Let's ask Björn in the band (reaches out the mic again)
Björn: AlltsÄ Àrligt talat jag Àr sÄ fruktansvÀrt full, jag vet inte hur spelningen kommer att gÄ.
Björn: Really, honestly, I'm so increadibly drunk, I have no idea how this gig is going to turn out.
Intervjuare: Med andra ord kanske inte alltid Björn kommer sÀtta sina tangenter dÀr dom ska. Vi frÄgar Frej istÀllet. Och hur upplever du stÀmningen hittills? Hur tror du spelningen kommer att gÄ?(strÀcker fram micken)
Interviewer: That would mean, that Björn might not consistantly press the keys the way he should. Let's ask Freh instead. And how do you experience the atmosphere so far? And how do you think that the gig is going to turn out?
(prat i bakgrunden)
(noize/talking in the background)
Oidentifierad person: FrÄga om rundgÄng.
Unidentified person: Ask about acoustic feedback instability.
Frej: Huh?
Frej: Huh?
Intervjuare: Ja, och vad tycker du om Arrest me?
Interviewer: Yes, and what's your opinion on Arrest me?
Frej: ja.. ja.. han...
Frej: yes..yes..him..
Björn: AlltsÄ, Fredrick, slÀpp mig jag mÄste gÄ och krÀkas
Björn: Really, Fredrick, let me go I have to go and vomit
(prat i bakgrunden)
(noize/talking in the background)
Intervjuare: En dÀckade och en spyr. Detta kan ses som en ganska traditionell SlagsmÄlsklubben spelning. SÄ gÄr det nÀr Maxwell Hammers tvingar SMK att tratta.
Inverviewer: One pass out and one is throwing up. This can be view as a pretty traditional SlagsmÄlsklubben gig. That's what happens when Maxwell Hammer force SMK to binge drink.

They are carzy and fun, let's just say they live by the rules "anything goes on a music festival" and "I'm not responsable for what I did while intoxicated". But they are somehow very charming when you meet them/see them playing live.

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