Miss Laurent

Sorry for not writing anything in a while. I do have good reasons, it's been Christmas and New Years and right after that I went to Berlin. I got back from Berlin two days ago, in Berlin I started feeling quite a bit under the weather. I now have a raving fever and a very sour throat. The weather in Berlin did not help, it was snow&icy the whole time.
So at the time I'm recovering at home hoping to get out of the illness as soon as possible.

I'm been thinking a bit about life lately, realizing that are certain steps I need to do in order to move forward/grow up. Yesterday for example I took my two lip piercings out, it just feel like it was the right time to. They are just the sort of things you can't hold on to forever, because in life you need to change. Change is a funny thing, it always happen no matter if you'd like it to or not, the only thing you can do is embrace it.

I've been thinking a lot about my future lately. In Sweden you go to school and then you graduate (like I did this spring) and then you have the choice to apply to Uni, cruse around or start working. Life is so much easier when you are in school you have a direction and you know what to do, you have a good way to pile the days and to get on. When you graduate you lose that security and I find myself questioning everything I do. I don't have the security of school any more and therefor life seems harder, but in reality it's all about life changes and you have to change with it.

Song of the day: Bright Eyes - Laura Laurent (sometimes I feel like a Laura Laurent)

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Anonymous said...

Oh you took your piercings out! Being one of your youtube subs, I've never seen you without it. But you can still rock without it, I'm sure! :D

I hope I get to travel around one day. School sucks up my life, too. =P