Monday in Pictures

Monday in Pictures

30th March2009
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Monday in Pictures Image
My view from the window at the officeLunchtimeExessive Coffedrinking - Monday MustThe more the merrier - The officeBitten down nails - Monday meetings

To do

To do

30th March2009
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I have the longest to-do-list these coming weeks, which is not the best situation to be in. I think I'm going to try and tick off following from my list today:Take some photosOrganize and delete old photos on my laptopGo to the libraryWrite a letter (to print and send tomorrow)I have a a heap load of things I

Videos of the Weekend

Videos of the Weekend

27th March2009
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Since I'm going to be isolated and ripped of any connection to the internet during the weekend, I thought I should give you some music recommendations to keep you occupied. The videos below are bands I really like and listen to quite a lot these days.

Asphalt flower

Asphalt flower

27th March2009
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My parents have decided to whisk me away over the weekend to their countryside house. I have to admit I do not look forward to this. Sure, the whole nature, ocean, woods and fresh air thing is great. I used to love going there as a kid and we would go every weekend all year round and on

Lunch vs. outfit

Lunch vs. outfit

26th March2009
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I don't know if this is just me and my crazy thoughts/routines.I work at an office in the central part of town and since it's got such a good location, it's more a rule than an exception that we go out and eat lunch at one of vast and varied range of lunch restaurants that are within a

The sound of the city

The sound of the city

25th March2009
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The sound of the city Image
Have you ever realized that cities have their own distinct sound and smell?I remember once when I was about 7 years old and woke up in a hotel room in Italy. I can't recall what city in Italy it was, but the feeling when I woke up was amazing.The sun shined through the white long curtains and outside

Judging Musicians

Judging Musicians

24th March2009
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Lately I've been quite into Pete Doherty and his new album Grace/Wastelands. It's a bit peculiar since I haven't been a die hard Babyshambles fan.However, what interest me about musicians and their image in the public eye is how it can effect how people view their music. Pete Doherty has, as may not be a secret, not had

Rave Report

Rave Report

22th March2009
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We met up at my place and spent some downtime and listened to some music and got sent the location of the rave by text. I checked out the adress and the bus/tram routes. It was on the other side of the river just behind a big sport and event arena. It's a fairly central location but still



20th March2009
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It's Friday today, the big Go-Out-On-A-Spin-Around-Town night. Tonight I'm going to try out something new. My first plan for the night was to have some friends over, drink some wine, chill out and listen to music. Perhaps go out to a indie club after that, if everyone was going to be up for it. Instead my friends (who

Spring in Gothenburg

Spring in Gothenburg

18th March2009
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Spring is on it's way to Gothenburg.I've been feeling under the weather the last two days, so when I, went out to eat lunch with a colleague, looking pale and with a bad hair day it was a bit of a chock.The first days of spring seem to be some kind of 'stating the territory' days in Gothenburg.

Friday night

Friday night

15th March2009
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Lazy Sunday, or it could have been. But I'm going to the gym later on.I went to this party on Friday. One of my friends is currently studying philosophy at Uni and his course mates were having a party in their flat. So he asked me to tag along (bribed with a bottle of wine, I went along

The Gym

The Gym

12th March2009
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As you may know I've recently taken up training (at the gym) again. I went to 4 sessions last week and have completed 3 sessions this week but are contemplating to go to two more session. I usually go to the sessions that are a bit dance like, choreography and less strength and lifting weights.I used to go

Time Management

Time Management

11th March2009
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It feels like my weeks fill up so quickly with things I have to do. Last night (Tuesday) one of my friends sent a text saying he was back in Gothenburg and wanted to hang out. I sent a text back and said " I might be able to meet up for a cup of coffee on Sunday

Eating Regime

Eating Regime

09th March2009
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Me and Mum has started this new eating regime. We started last Monday, so it has been a week now. Mum has gone to yoga about two times and on one long walk with one of her friends.I however, have workout hard at the gym 4 times last week (aerobics and things like that).She has lost 4 pounds



06th March2009
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I'm still at work. After work I'm going to the gym to workout (time to become a skinny bitch), then I'm going to buy a cultural book and after that I'm going home to make dinner for my mum (who's feeling a bit under the weather).And after that a friend of mine will come over for vegetable sticks

The Secret of Dinner Parties

The Secret of Dinner Parties

05th March2009
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I haven't been to active lately. Why do I feel like I start all my entries like this, these days?Tonight, I've just sneaked away from a grown up dinner party and are currently enjoying a chilled glass of white wine and a episode of Boston Tea Party. I will return to grown up dinner party in time for