Asphalt flower

My parents have decided to whisk me away over the weekend to their countryside house. I have to admit I do not look forward to this. Sure, the whole nature, ocean, woods and fresh air thing is great. I used to love going there as a kid and we would go every weekend all year round and on all my breaks from school.
But in recent years I haven't hardly been there at all. I don't look at it in the same way. It was all fun and games when I was little but know it's something about all those open spaces and meadows that just makes me feel claustrophobic. Is it not ironic feeling claustrophobic in a big open space?

I've contemplated the fact and reached the conclusion that since I do not have my own car or a drivers license for that matter, when I'm at the countryside house I loose the power to go where I want to go or leave when I would like to.
It's a completely different story in the city. Here I got all the bus and tram routes down, I know which way is the fastest and which way is the safest. Somehow I feel that the city is looking after me, like an invisible bigger brother who keeps an eye out for his little sister. I've walked home countless times in states varying from sober to rather heavily intoxicated. The city has somehow always taken me home safely. In the city, I know where to go, who to talk to and how to take myself home safely. The city with its streets and alleys are my turf, here I feel like I can go anywhere and do anything.

This is not the case with the countryside house, because I can not choose to leave when I want to and there is absoultely nothing of interest to do. There is no internet, there is no cellphone reception, there is no interesting channels on the telly, there are no live gigs at nightclubs, there are no trams, just no anything.

Yes, I've realize that I'm a city girl. I love the city and the city loves me. I am a asphalt flower.

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Jim said...

I felt the same way growing up in a small town in the United States, so one day after a breakup with a gf, I packed up and moved to Los Angeles...for a young single person that is like totally awesome independance!! With the recent economic problems my family invited my back to stay beyond thankyou!! Yeah, the city life is exciting, always something going on, places to go, ways to get there, more to life than your neighbors and the local mom and pop store down the street. And if you have a falling out with your bf or gf you can go to places where you get lost in the crowd, unseen and detached from a difficult situation with many other friends available to make things better, the country or small town severly limits your friendships, relationships and most every aspect of life, although some people want to settle down and get away, to each their own!

Sisyphus said...

The most beautiful image I can imagine is the flower pushing through the cracks in the sidewalk in the middle of urban cacophony.

It reminds me that the universe is patient and it perseveres.

It makes sense the way you put it, that you feel claustrophobic because you lose your maneuverability.