A reflection on guys

So this is song lyrics, from a Swedish song, translated to English - I think that the reflection of guys in it speaks for it self:

Sweetheart, who is he the one who's sleeping in your bed?
Me and Dad, we've been wondering, we've talked, we've thought
We want you to know that we care no matter what has happened
But does he work? Does he even have a high school credits?

I myself have some experience behind me
You decide for yourself, but you should also know what we think
So he's working with music? Is it really a profession?
He should be studying law if you are looking for safety

He might have been sitting in jail, what happened to your confidence?
He might be doing drugs, you may be co-dependent
Aim at the top otherwise you may end up with
that you leave your husband at a nursing home for his sexual addiction.

I have read in the tabloids when visiting my hairdresser
About that David Beckham so I know what his kind of does
But you hear Sweetheart now you let go
For I am Herbert the great safe wolf

Say, have fun Sweetheart but choose no lawyer
Choose someone who loves you and who always will choose you
That would sell himself and swallow poison to satisfy you

Here's the song

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