Nail Polish

Nail Polish

21th November2012
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You know on the bus - how you size people up. Check out their appearance and their style, have brief imaginations of what kind of person they could be. Today in front of me on the bus was a guy: a bit taller than me, broad shoulders, wearing a football outfit with trainers and a big gym bag.



08th November2012
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Sometimes you don't want to see the signs. Sometimes you want to believe that everything is as it should be. But then something happens, significant or insignificant, that wakes you up and make you realise that everything is falling back into its usual place. We all have different views on time and what is enough pre-warning or time

Those who call me and Those who won't

Those who call me and Those who won't

01th November2012
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So how come that the persons I want to speak to seem to allude me? Maybe that's why I want to speak to them - because they are not available to me. Let's call these persons Category A. Whereas, the persons who are available to me - I find flaws with or can't seem to find a reason