Calendar of 2007

Calendar of 2007

30th June2013
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I saw a man on the tube reading his calendar from 2007, was he... ... dreaming of his glory days? ... trying to remember something? ... using the calendar as a notebook? ... retracing his or someone else's part movements? Mysterious

Pink Beard

Pink Beard

29th June2013
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I saw a man on the tube today. Upper middle ages, with some shopping bags looking like a retired builder who likes to watch rugby and drink a pint of bitter - with the complimentary belly. He was very ordinary man with grey hair - getting on with his life. Then he was sporting a full beard -

Overheard Conversation

Overheard Conversation

27th June2013
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I overheard this conversation between a couple the other day, around half five walking home from work. Him "I really need a drink right now" Her "You fucking need to stop slagging off my Mother"  Lovely... 

You (Everything Is About You)

You (Everything Is About You)

24th June2013
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You have no idea of how it feels - so little time and so much stress When we meet trouble, you will run away Is it mine or your fault? Doesn't matter as long as you play your part

Burning Paper

Burning Paper

23th June2013
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This is the word for word translation of a Swedish hip hop track. I really like it in Swedish. To put the song in some context it is written by a guy about a girl he had something with. So let's see if the lyrics will hold up to my scrupulous translation: You told me that you already

I want to...

I want to...

21th June2013
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Make your smoke and kisses Black and White

Meet: Bernad et Bianca

The mouthwash drama

The mouthwash drama

19th June2013
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I live with 4 other people, one of them today stomped into the kitchen carrying out an agitated rant where this person (from here on know as 'Housemate') stated that more than half of Housemate's mouthwash had been used by a unknown perpetrator. Housemate went on about this at some length and then stomped out. Personally, even if

Hannah Peel - Chloe

Hannah Peel - Chloe

17th June2013
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To spend a life in a dizzy maze Returning phrase of mine When that first, first took it's place You chose, you chose unwise Let them love you, let them try You confuse your head You chose to do this, yes you did So never say regret Whatever else we gave to each other all the pain we

Friendly Dinner - Dinner 'Date'

Friendly Dinner - Dinner 'Date'

16th June2013
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So a while back I was out to dinner with a friend of mine. In my eyes it was strictly a friendly meal but as the night progressed I realised that this was not the case from his perspective - the big question is:  How do you know? I pretty much ended up on a double date and

Josh Record - Wonder

Josh Record - Wonder

16th June2013
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Soon the stars will disappear Have I forgotten how to sleep I wonder The clouds appear and lands will meet The sun will raise its head for me In wonder All I ever wanted is you And all I ever wanted is you Unashamed you bear my name You take me to those days, we were younger Your



15th June2013
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Need a bass player? Probably best not to call this dude... — Jagz Kooner (@JagzKooner1) March 22, 2013

Meet: A Million Billion Dying Suns

Meet: A Million Billion Dying Suns

14th June2013
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As the million billion suns die, they coalesce into one singular form of energy, before they explode into super nova. It is the vanishing point, where you and me don't matter, but we do. And so do you. Yes You. We are all Dying Suns, sewn into the same fabric. Endlessly dying, constantly living, in the pattern of

Oh, so casual

Oh, so casual

13th June2013
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The nice boy that always fits into whatever situation I put him in. So maybe he is a place holder... So maybe I should let him go?

Mind mess

Mind mess

12th June2013
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A while back I wrote this about a boy: I am so sick of you. In a way. You keep playing with my head - in a way I kind of wished that I knew what you were thinking. It would be so much easier than all of this analysing. But then when you are in a situation

Summer Rain

Summer Rain

11th June2013
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I love the summer rain.  It is just something with how it makes all the scents of the world come alive that is magic. Plus that humid wall of heat and scents hitting you when you step out of the door. I love the summer rain.  It is just something with how it makes all the scents of



10th June2013
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Trying to find a diamond in an avalanche But you just haven't had the chance Oh, let it out, let it out Let it all out You rearrange my mind



09th June2013
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A boy that makes me smile when... He texts me  I think of him I see him Must be a good thing... Right?

Friends, Aren't We?

Friends, Aren't We?

07th June2013
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How do I know that you know that we are really just meant to be friends? I know I told you so,  and quite directly I might add(!) Since then you have texted me to hang out in the park, chillin as friends. That turned out to involve champagne, strawberries and a picnic blanket - so clearly not

Never not chasing a million things at once

Never not chasing a million things at once

05th June2013
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Don't you think it is boring how people talk They can smart with the words again but I am bored Because I am doing this for the thrill of it, killing it

You are always going to be...

You are always going to be...

05th June2013
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What I want you to be... What I want you to be...

Tube Buddies

Tube Buddies

03th June2013
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I've almost gone into a routine now, by taking the same tube each morning. So now I have eastblished a couple of Tube Buddies - people that I actually recognise  every morning. Let's describe them: The man with the long ponytail He normally has his waist length hair braided and falling down his back. A few specks of

All friendly, no conviction

All friendly, no conviction

01th June2013
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So you are very mysterious - you are really friendly with me and we do get on. We do see each other regularly because we have the same routines and in between that you do email me and I respond. I've been hoping for you to ask me out. But when I think you are about to it