Tube Buddies

I've almost gone into a routine now, by taking the same tube each morning. So now I have eastblished a couple of Tube Buddies - people that I actually recognise  every morning. Let's describe them:

The man with the long ponytail
He normally has his waist length hair braided and falling down his back. A few specks of grey in it, underlining his life long commitment and he still wears band branded hoodies. I have no idea what he does for a living but he is certainly an intriguing character.

The medium build guy in a suit
There's this guy maybe in his late twenties with a slightly softer and rounder shape that normally wears a grey suit as a contrast to his dark brown short beard. He looks like a potential city worker bit not quite as clean cut as sterotype would dictate and he has this quirky quality about him. 

So I guess I have started to collect these people that I see every day on the tube and recognise...

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Raggy Paints said...

One of the things I love about commuting on the Train rather than the Tube is that you can strike up conversations with you fellow travellers. There are now 6 or 7 people I will see at least a couple of times a week on the way into work who I chat with, much more pleasant than the sand-off nature of the tube.

Drizzle Kid said...

Well, I guess that's true. The tube is normally quite intense not really ideal for striking up conversation.