Hair & Synth

I went to my hairdresser today. As we all may know from our own past experiences it's really hard to find a good hairdresser. At least that's how it used to be for me. Either they are the sort of person that you really get along with, but they can't cut your hair properly or they are the sort of person that cuts you hair really well, but you can't chit-chat with them while they are doing it. Secondly, when being young you want a hairdresser that you can talk to about matters that really interest you.

My hairdresser is about 30-40 years old ish. She's got a daughter who's 14 years old, so you do the math. Her daughter got a pony (I used to have a pony). So we obviously talk about horses, show jumping, dressage and competitions while she's cutting my hair. But she also used to be a big fan of synth music when she was a teenager.

So the conversation today went:
Me: I already got my ticket to Arvika(a Swedish music festival)
Hairdresser: I know, Depeche Mode is the only booked band yet? I thinking of going even if I'm far too old for that sort of things now
Me: No, they released the second band, it's DAF
HD: OMG! I LOVE THEM TOO! Now I really have to make me husband go there with me this summer.
Me: You should go, you can put your tent up in our camp
HD: That would be brilliant, how much alcohol are you planning to take? One really has to plan it well to get enough to cover the whole week...
Me: yeah I know...

I don't know about where you live, but in Sweden that's not really the normal conversation you have with your 30-40 years old ish hairdresser. Then we went on talking about how to best place you tent to avoid having it overflowed with water puddles if there would be loads of rain and how to best smuggle alcohol into the festival area.

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Anonymous said...

Haha, what an interesting conversation. I've heard that you're supposed to be able to talk openly with your hair dresser - but I guess I never have. They always comment on how young I look, so it's nothing really interesting =P
Well did you get your hair cut?! That's exciting.

Drizzle Kid said...

That's what I really like about my hairdresser, since we have so much in common that we can talk about she doesn't really comment on my age or things like that.