Christmas in Sweden

Christmas in Sweden

24th December2012
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Christmas in Sweden Image
Coming home to Sweden is like a detox. Suddenly everything goes quiet, suddenly everything is calm. I live with no money, no keys and no phone for a few weeks. Normally I end up feeling like a spoilt kid - which in a way for those few days living with my parents again I am. We all go

Dreams 3

Dreams 3

01th December2012
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Last few weeks I find myself, when my thoughts are wandering on the bus or wherever. I find myself think of something that has happened -  something arbitrary like a passing conversation with a flatmate or how I dropped my keys trying to open the door or how I passed someone on the street that had on a

Nail Polish

Nail Polish

21th November2012
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You know on the bus - how you size people up. Check out their appearance and their style, have brief imaginations of what kind of person they could be. Today in front of me on the bus was a guy: a bit taller than me, broad shoulders, wearing a football outfit with trainers and a big gym bag.



08th November2012
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Sometimes you don't want to see the signs. Sometimes you want to believe that everything is as it should be. But then something happens, significant or insignificant, that wakes you up and make you realise that everything is falling back into its usual place. We all have different views on time and what is enough pre-warning or time

Those who call me and Those who won't

Those who call me and Those who won't

01th November2012
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So how come that the persons I want to speak to seem to allude me? Maybe that's why I want to speak to them - because they are not available to me. Let's call these persons Category A. Whereas, the persons who are available to me - I find flaws with or can't seem to find a reason

Blowing Hot and Cold

Blowing Hot and Cold

25th October2012
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One of the more annoying things with meeting guys - dating in general. Is the tendency we all have to blow hot and cold. Some do it more than others - but we all take part. From the fully fledged 'pick up artist' to the guy who has read a book called 'The Game' to the girl that

A reflection on guys

A reflection on guys

17th October2012
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So this is song lyrics, from a Swedish song, translated to English - I think that the reflection of guys in it speaks for it self: Sweetheart, who is he the one who's sleeping in your bed? Me and Dad, we've been wondering, we've talked, we've thought We want you to know that we care no matter what

Phone book Baggage

Phone book Baggage

06th October2012
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Have you every thought about how many people that you don't speak to that are in your phone book on your mobile phone? People you don't ever call or text. People that you don't even know that well, that you might not even like or that you may even dislike. I've been going through my phone book today

Nettle Tea

Nettle Tea

03th October2012
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I just bought some nettle tea. It smells like hay. It takes like warm hay. But I kinda like it.

Long lost friends

Long lost friends

25th September2012
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Someone I haven't spoken to properly in years have just reached out to me - it's strange in a way it makes you wonder what goes through their head when they think "I think I'm going to talk to this person now after years of nothing" Clearly something must have happened in their life to make them reach

First Dates

First Dates

21th September2012
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So I went out on this innocent but dreadful boring first date and all I could think was why am I putting myself through this? Secondly I thought to myself, about the last boy I kind of dated: That for a second you could have had me so easily If you just would have wanted me enough I

The wolf whistle

The wolf whistle

21th September2012
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As girls may know, every once in a while when walking past a construction site or even just a stranger on the street - one will get some kind of whistle/attention/comment. Let me just start by saying that this normally doesn't happen to me, when I say that I mean at all But the last few weeks there

Dreams 2

Dreams 2

19th September2012
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This post will be about nightmares - yes those... I don't know how it is for you, dearest reader, but for me my nightmares always feel unshakingly real. As you probably could tell from my post Dreams 1 I have fairly vivid dreams and can often remember full dreams, multiple dreams from one night or at least I

Dreams 1

Dreams 1

18th September2012
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So dreams is a funny subject - some people remember theirs and some don't. They say we all have them, but talking to people about it one starts to sense the differences in peoples dreaming experience. Some things I can do in my dreams that most of my friends can't: 1. Free will I know in my dreams



12th September2012
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So after 3 years of work, I've finished my Bachelors degree in Music and Media Management and the graduation ceremony is looming and I must say: I'm not all that excited by it. I got my grades. I got my certificate. Why, oh why is there a need for me to pay money for a cap and gown

Columbia Road Flower Market

Columbia Road Flower Market

10th September2012
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Columbia Road Flower Market Image
I went to the flower market this Sunday, I was looking for some lily of the valley... But I guess that roses weren't that bad either... Oh, they so pretty. Still need to look out for some Lily of the Valley.

Leave it alone

Leave it alone

10th September2012
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Silence, a good week worth of it. A part of me wants to reach out to you, want to see you. But a more rational part of me is thinking 'Leave it!' There's so many good reasons as why to leave it alone: You probably don't care that much, hence not really being bothered enough to keep in

A boy

A boy

03th September2012
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I like you But I don't love you You can sleep around, and you do And I expect you to But I wouldn't want you to I know you say you like me But I don't trust you I want to be with you But I don't want a relationship I want you to want a relationship with

Honey Is Cool

Honey Is Cool

24th August2012
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So boys are a chapter on their own. But what I can say though is... I've always been a girlfriend girl. I've been playing nice and playing by the rules and caring maybe sometimes even a little bit too much. It's gotten me - long and healthy relationships but not necessarily with the kind of boy that would

Linnea Henriksson - Incredibly in love to desperately alone

Linnea Henriksson - Incredibly in love to desperately alone

31th July2012
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SÃ¥g du hur jag kände Did you see how I feltSÃ¥g du att jag vände Did you see how I turned awayMärkte du paniken i min blick Did you notice the panic in my eyesNär jag snurrade runt When I spun around Och gick min väg ifrÃ¥n er And walked away from youFort, sÃ¥ jag slapp se mer Quickly,

Ice Coffee

Ice Coffee

26th July2012
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Ice Coffee Image
Ice Coffee Recipe  4 teaspoons of instant coffee 3.5 - 4 teaspoons of sugar Pour on a small amount of boiling water (enough to dissolve coffee+sugar - about an inch of water) Stir with spoon and ensure all coffee+sugar is dissolved Pour on cold water (from tap or refrigerated) Pop in ice to your own taste Finish off

Flight Facilities vs. Top Cats

Flight Facilities vs. Top Cats

22th July2012
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Crave You Why can't you want me like the other boys do?They stare at me while I stare at you Baby Doll Baby dollYou need some rock ‘n’ rollYou need someone to hold you on a cold and lonesome nightBaby doll doll doll Rock ‘n’ roll roll rollOver here, now bring it, bring it over here Oh, baby

Living Together

Living Together

14th July2012
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Even though I live with four other people in this house which is normally bustling with energy across its 3 floors. There are also days when you can spend pretty much the whole day without seeing anyone else. Some days, it's like breath of fresh air to just be able to enjoy the silence and the serenity on

Sun Goes Down

Sun Goes Down

08th July2012
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Now my only hope is this message in a bottle Oh, it's getting harder Please send me a sign ... I'll be waiting for you 'till the sun goes down I'll be waiting for you 'till the sun goes down I'll be waiting for you 'till the sun goes down ... Turning kind of dark now Feeling like

Our own pretty ways

Our own pretty ways

02th July2012
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So there's a boy... Oh simple thing where have you gone? Let's not spill the truth - it's easier to be alone I'm an Ocean, You're the Rain



23th June2012
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Killar är hundar  Blokes are dogs Och jag kan vara din egna Doberman And I could be your very own Doberman Din egna beskyddare Your own protector NÃ¥gon du kan synda med Someone you can sin with Props to Parham

Blue skies

Blue skies

09th June2012
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Blue skies Image
So me and my folks are doing a small summer tour - driving around Sweden on the small country roads, staying in small country hotels and visiting all of the relatives more out of obligation rather than a genuine need to hang out with them. At least I got some got shoots of the sky out of it

Summer Flowers Summer Garden

Summer Flowers Summer Garden

07th June2012
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Summer Flowers Summer Garden Image
So I walked through my Mum's garden and took some photos the other day. I thought I should show you a little slice of the flower paradise that the front of our house is right now. Honeysuckle   Chive  Pink flower  Viola like flower Poppy  Poppy Bud OH SO PRETTY!

Dinner Time

Dinner Time

06th June2012
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Dinner Time Image
So I'm back home in Sweden again and cooked some food with my folks. Did a salad (including salad leaves, rocket, cucumber, peppers, tomatoes, red union, roasted pine nuts, goat cheese, turkey marinated in soy sause+olive oil+crushed garlic clove and then fried in a pan and finally some avocado slices drenched in lemon juice) Half Done All the

Put it Right

Put it Right

18th April2012
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Where she goes I don't knowWhere she goes I don't want to knowShe's a ho I know soOther friends they go - oh ohWhat she's seen I dont careHe's never clean he's never thereShe's from the scene in SohoYou could make it workWork, work better- Cardinal Jack

English Word Combos

English Word Combos

11th April2012
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So after living in London for a while I have discovered that there are some interesting&funny combinations of words that are commonly used - both within the spoken language but the also accrue in print and within other forms of media.Being a Swede myself I find it a bit of a novelty. If one would try to combine