Apathy Spells

Apathy Spells

31th January2013
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Apathy - according to all ours source Wikipedia: Apathy (also called impassivity or perfunctoriness) is a state of indifference, or the suppression of emotions such as concern, excitement, motivation and passion. I will go through these periods, normally just a few days or a week. Where I completely lack motivation, motivation to do anything at all. I normally just lay in

The surveyor

The surveyor

30th January2013
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In the office, where I'm temping at the moment, there is a man walking around with a clipboard. Just taking notes and looking at people work. I haven't seen him speak to anyone, ever. I know that the company is going through some kind of 'efficiency reform' - possibly changing departments around and maybe letting people go. Even

Teenage "Love"

Too Much Information (TMI)

Too Much Information (TMI)

28th January2013
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I think that this is a phenomena in real life but also in the internet world (who am I to talk - I'm writing this blog) But I think that there is a difference on the Internet - you have chosen to receive information. But in real life sometimes it is just thrown at you - in conversation.

Saturday in Pictures

Saturday in Pictures

26th January2013
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Saturday in Pictures Image
Here's my Saturday in some pictures and sentences: Woke up to the sun just rising over London, a very crisp morning. Breakfast: Coffee, Porridge with Blueberries and some dried fruit & nuts. Sorted through and did some laundry, accidentally mixed together clean & dirty laundry. Spent 10 minutes doing the 'sniff test' on 2 dozen socks - not

The comfort of familiar

The comfort of familiar

25th January2013
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In a few places, such as the university ladies room and other places like airports. Where there is a large number of toilet cubicles to choose from in the ladies room: I will every once in a while realise that I picked exactly the same stall as last time. Why is that? Is it something subconscious that makes

Perfectly Put Together

Perfectly Put Together

24th January2013
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Every once in a while, I will see this rare breed of people - those who are perfectly put together. On the bus or on the tube. I will stare at them and try and find some kind of fault. A bit of make up that's not properly put on. Some dirt on their shoes. A tear in

Labyrinth of Alley Ways

Labyrinth of Alley Ways

23th January2013
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When walking home, I always feel more comfortable in our little maze of alley ways on our estate than on the big straight roads. Why? Well, by constantly turning corners and there being multiple ways to go - you have options. You can choose to turn off. There are multiple routes to go down and if you do

Hello Mr. Bartender

Hello Mr. Bartender

21th January2013
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I thought about this the other day in the pub. The life of a bartender - how do you know that girls that are hitting on you are really hitting on you for you? The Bartender Stereotype So there is this sexy bartender stereotype - I'm sure that many girls would like to have quick fling with a

An Icy Sweden

An Icy Sweden

19th January2013
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An Icy Sweden Image
Some icy shots from walking in the winter land of Sweden over Christmas...

Casual Friends

Casual Friends

17th January2013
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I have a friend and there is a situation... Background: I've hung out with this person maybe around 5 times in the last 6 months. It is a casual friendship. It's slowly building. This person does not have Facebook. Let's call them NFU - Non Facebook User. NFU and I only have each others phone numbers. We spoke

One Sided Friendship

One Sided Friendship

16th January2013
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Can a one sided friendship really work out? I have friend that always comes to me for advice but I would never ask him for advice. I think that's the definition of one sided. I sometimes feel like unless I am his friend - he won't have any friends. Whereas, if he's not my friend anymore I don't

Convenient or Efficient?

Convenient or Efficient?

14th January2013
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In the office, where I am currently a temp. worker they have an interesting way of indicating whether or not the bathroom is available. It's quite a small office and there is only one bathroom. So outside of it is a life size cardboard cut out of David Beckham with a sign hung around his neck. The sign



13th January2013
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My housemate just told me that she wants to gather all the housemates and tell us something tonight... It could be one of two things I suppose: She's going to tell us that she's moving out or She's going to complain about something