Too Much Information (TMI)

I think that this is a phenomena in real life but also in the internet world (who am I to talk - I'm writing this blog)

But I think that there is a difference on the Internet - you have chosen to receive information. But in real life sometimes it is just thrown at you - in conversation.

However I think I might be guilty of this, a little bit too much. Every once in a while, read multiple times a week, I'll find myself walking away from a conversation and questioning why it just dropped 'too much information' all over someone. It is not nice and it is certainly not necessary.

This morning I was relaying a conversation I had with my friend to my housemate. The conversation I had with my friend was regarding the latin quote 'quid pro quo' (translation 'this for that'). My housemate had just woken up and I was telling her how I told my friend that quid pro quo basically means 'to get something you have to give something'. She was not interested nor amused.

Did I really need to relay this information? Probably not.
Probably too much information.

When I was younger, a teenager and dealing with a teenagers woes - I would talk about my problems to anyone that would listen. I would TMI all over the place, to a greater extent that what I do these days. Presently I might go all 'too much information' every once in a while - fine multiple times each week. But it will be little things, anecdotes for example. Not the internal mess of my feelings to stranger on the bus - the TMI classics of the past.

One piece of advice regarding 'too much information' I received back then that has really stuck with me and that I to this day strive to live by is:

Talk to the right people about the right things

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