I survived the first 48 hours!

I survived the first 48 hours!

26th February2013
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I've started a new job - two days in and it is still a world whirling by like it's spinning in thousand miles an hour. Not even the 45 minutes on the commute has gotten me down yet - however these first two days I've managed to get in to work at 10am thus beating the worst of

Good Morning, Sleepyhead

Good Morning, Sleepyhead

24th February2013
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The art of falling asleep You twist and you turn. The room is a little bit too warm, a minute later the room is a little bit too cold. You make yourself comfortable, instead of drifting off your head starts spinning.  You think to yourself, thoughts start rolling up like clouds on a rainy sky. They start spinning

An unexpected guest

An unexpected guest

22th February2013
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Living with housemates, you will discover every once in a while - that there is a houseguest in the house that you didn't expect. Sometimes they are talkative and friendly. Sometimes they just prefer to spend time with the person they actually came to see. Last weekend my housemate had two houseguest over. Normally, when there are houseguest

The dynamics: Manager, Line Manager and Notice Period

The dynamics: Manager, Line Manager and Notice Period

21th February2013
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So as you may know, oh loyal reader. I have just gotten a new job and therefore I am leaving my current temp job position. In terms of leaving there is some etiquette to it. I work in a team, with a line manager: a nice older gentleman known here as J. But I also work under a

Morning Routine x 5 House Mates

Morning Routine x 5 House Mates

20th February2013
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Morning Routine x 5 House Mates Image
I live in a house with 4 other people - our ages range from 20 to 26 years old. The house consists of two students (one undergraduate and one postgraduate) and 3 professionals. We all get up and have our own morning routines. For the simplicity of this blog post and the protection of my housemates privacy let's

For Your Love - Josh Record

For Your Love - Josh Record

18th February2013
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For Your Love - Josh Record Image
I stumbled upon this song on soundcloud. Here. It made me go and buy the full EP named Bones by Josh Record on iTunes. Every once in a while a song will hit me hard. You know what I mean - some songs grow on you - you don't like them that much when you first hear them

Power Out

Power Out

18th February2013
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So very exciting. We had a power out - the whole block of houses had five minutes of no electrity. Like someone had flicked a collective switch. In our times of advanced technology - why do we even have power outs? My guess - it's because someone has leaned against the off button in the control room.

The Morning After The Night Before

The Morning After The Night Before

16th February2013
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The Morning After The Night Before Image
I wake up, feeling slightly sweaty and shaking. Do I have a fever? No, I'm just hungover. As the alcohol is leaving my body, panic is raising up. I throw myself out of bed and go for a hunt around my room. Do I have my keys? Check.  Do I have my phone? Check.  Do I have my

Liking your work colleague

Liking your work colleague

15th February2013
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So I'm coming up the last week of my old job. Before I go on to bigger and better things (hopefully) and there is this guy that I work with. I kind of like him. I don't really know how much I like him. Whether I want to be his friend or if I actually fancy him. But I

The last boy I actually liked

The last boy I actually liked

14th February2013
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The last boy I actually liked was too much of a head ache. I would drive the situation, to a point where I asked myself - if I don't text him, will he text me back? And guess what, when I stopped speaking to him. He stopped speaking to me. So I let it wither down and die.

Changing jobs: Happy and Guilty?

Changing jobs: Happy and Guilty?

13th February2013
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So today I will have to tell my boss that I'm leaving. Yes it is true I'm moving on to a new job. No more temping for me, I'm moving on. Okay I'm not moving onto a full time position but it will still be more permanent that what my current position is. Most importantly, it will be

Hand writing

Hand writing

12th February2013
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Why is it that when people fill out forms - other documents by hand, their handwriting is still completely unreadable. Do these people, who alarmingly seem to be in majority, think that those who deal with the forms magically have been blessed with the ability to read Sloppy Joe's handwriting? Or don't they consider the mass of errors

A new low: Addiction

A new low: Addiction

11th February2013
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I have become so addicted to music and my earphones, that I did something the other day. Something that I have been considering many, many times but actually never gone through with. It is not the brightest of ideas and it is certainly not smart from a health and safety perspective. But let's face it, my addiction to

The Wind On The Moon

The Wind On The Moon

08th February2013
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Today, I had a flashback to a book called The Wind On The Moon by author Eric Linklater, published in 1944. The story holds up to this day and is one of my favourtie ones from my adolescent. It's a fantastical story, where the two main characters the sisters Dinah and Dorinda turn into kangaroos - amongst other

The human evolution from technolohy

The human evolution from technolohy

07th February2013
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I've hear people discuss that our thumbs will be the next part of the human anatomy to evolve, seeing as we use them all of the time - as a part of the increased usage of mobile phones and smart phones. We are also more likely to create new injuries as part of using technology. I find my

Office Romeo

Office Romeo

06th February2013
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So me and the other temporary worker in the office are being trained up for a new position. This new position includes being on the counter - a public facing role where people walk in off the street and ask us questions. So we are standing by the counter and being trained by a woman colleague of ours

Google Symptoms: We are all our own doctor

Google Symptoms: We are all our own doctor

05th February2013
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So let's talk about when you are ill and you are just a few keystrokes away from a self-diagonosic. Sometimes this is a good idea and sometimes it is just terrible and really freaks you out. The Good Example When it's something minor, you have had it before. So you just quickly swoop on google and confirm. When you

Noise Control

Noise Control

04th February2013
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So as you may know I live in a house with 4 other people, it's a house share and sometimes you have to make allowances or compromise. To add to the story, the house has slightly thin walls, so you can actually hear quite a bit of what's going on in the other rooms in the house. I

Sunrise, Sunset, Skyline

Sunrise, Sunset, Skyline

02th February2013
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Sunrise, Sunset, Skyline Image
So I love the view from my window. I find myself more fascinated with the sunrise and the skyline than anyone else I know. It's just something about the sky and its colours that keeps me in a grip. I can wake up and find the sky looking like this, it's so beautiful and it always starts my