Changing jobs: Happy and Guilty?

So today I will have to tell my boss that I'm leaving. Yes it is true I'm moving on to a new job.

No more temping for me, I'm moving on. Okay I'm not moving onto a full time position but it will still be more permanent that what my current position is. Most importantly, it will be 100% closer to the right industry.

It's a strange feeling, yes I am really happy that I'm moving on. Going from admin towards the field/career that I actually want for myself.
But at the same time I feel guilty for leaving - the reasonable side of my brain is telling me that rationally there is nothing to feel guilty about.
But I know that they have a really busy period coming up, and I have just been trained on how to deal with it. I feel like I'm in a way leaving them in a stitch. But at the same time - they knew I was looking for other places. It's been no secret.

Oh well, time to kill my irrational guilty and face the boss.

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Gorilla Bananas said...

What career are you switching to?

Anonymous said...

Congrats, it's always a good thing to be moving toward your goal.

I know what you mean about feeling guilty though... next month I'm taking a 3 day vacation and I have guilty nightmares already.

Drizzle Kid said...

Thank you! I'm mostly excited now though. So looking forward to the new work environment!