Green thoughts

I have every now and again passing thoughts about the environment and in this green era - don't we all? However, some things at different brands and stores, I just find extremely illogical. Therefore, below, I will present you with some of the things that tick me off the most.

1.) Carrier Bags Vs. Reusable Bags

Sainsbury, amongst other stores, has introduced the concept that you will earn point(s) on you membership card if you use a reusable bag instead (obviously providing you with an option of buying their reusable bag). This is all well and good, however they are skimpy on the points and will only give you 1 point per bag that you reuse and I'll bank on the fact that if you're reusable bag isn't of their brand they won't award you any points.

They should really appreciate that if no one uses carrier bags, that's a cost they can cut down and money they can focus on gaining more profit out better deals in stores e.t.c.

Solution: Start awarding a healthy number of points for using any reusable bag.

2.) Paper Cups Of Coffee

A.) Firstly, a few months back I found myself at Starbucks on Oxford St. stunned and amazed by the fact that they were serving everyone in take away paper cups. So I sat down with my coffee and started to think about why everyone who wasn't taking away their coffee still were treated as if they were. My only thought were that Starbucks must have calculated that recycling the paper was a better solution than washing actual cups. I could almost buy this possible solution, since washing liquids include large amounts of chemicals and is generally environmentally unsound.

However, I had to ask a member of staff and they do not recycle the paper cups left in the cafe because the milk and cream (left in the cups) would create a hazard in the kitchen, with health rules. I suggested that they could rinse the paper cups out and stack them in piles after that. But apparently - that is too much work.

Solution: If you are going to switch over to all paper cups, you have to recycle them! Otherwise stick to porcelain cups in the cafe and use a more environmentally friendly washing up liquid.

B.) In the mornings getting you coffee, you are forced to the take away cups and running with an unsteady cup whilst burning your hand. I haven't heard about any cafes enforcing this (but there might be some out there) however if coffee was sold by the unit you could bring in your own thermos or reusable mug for taking coffee with you in the mornings.

Solution: All cafes should sell coffee by the unit.

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