Someone who trusts you

One of my friends just revealed something very personal to me. At the time I found it strange, I questioned the medium of the conversation as well as me as the recepicent. But the more I look at it, the more I get it.

The information revealed was about him and his relationship.

I questioned why he was telling me this because, years and years ago there used to be a little something between us - now long dead and buried.
I get it know, just because of that fact and the fact that we've been friends for 8 years - he felt like he could come to me.

The medium this conversation was put through was Facebook chat - at the time I was questioning it. Not seeming like a very comfortable or constructive way of telling a rather complex story.
I get it now, it was a fairly exposing story possible nicer to tell it in writing. Plus who has not used Facebook chat late, late very late at night as a digital confessional?

So I guess in the light of day it all makes sense. It just a strange feeling when you realise who much someone trusts you, when that realisation actually surprises you.

You are the only one I can talk to

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