Dreams 1

So dreams is a funny subject - some people remember theirs and some don't. They say we all have them, but talking to people about it one starts to sense the differences in peoples dreaming experience.

Some things I can do in my dreams that most of my friends can't:

1. Free will
I know in my dreams that it is a dream, that there is a script to the dream and I can choose to go along with it or I can choose to go and do whatever I want in the dream world.

2. Change of perspective
I can freely change between first person perspective and bird perspective - watching the dream slightly from above/third person perspective.

3. Fly
Most people can fly in dreams but I've discussed this with my Mum and she can only get to ceiling level and really struggles with it whilst I can soar in the sky among the clouds with no effort.

4. Influence
Not always, but quite often I can modify my dreams through the process of falling asleep. If I just picture/think about what I want to dream about when going to sleep that will often be what the dream is centred about - for examples say I think about unicorns then they will appear as a centred theme in the dream. Sometimes I can even make it 'event specific' think about a certain chain of events and thus making them happened they in the dream in the way I thought about them before.

As this post it called Dreams 1, the clever mind will realise that this is a subject that might become a bit of a series of posts

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