The mouthwash drama

I live with 4 other people, one of them today stomped into the kitchen carrying out an agitated rant where this person (from here on know as 'Housemate') stated that more than half of Housemate's mouthwash had been used by a unknown perpetrator. Housemate went on about this at some length and then stomped out. Personally, even if I have no knowledge of this mystery event find it a bit distressing when someone in the house is mad. More so because I feel like Housemate's anger is directed to all of us. Like it's some great conspiracy and Housemate is the victim.

First of all Housemate is known to be dramatic, so I think that Housemate is exaggerating how much mouthwash is missing. I wanted to bring up the following points, but have long ago decided not to involve myself too much in issues regarding Housemate.

If I cared I would have said the following (but if I did it would only be perceived as me accusing Housemate, more so validating Housemate's opinion of being a victim):

  • maybe you don't remember how much you've used
  • maybe you think that there was more left than what there was
  • maybe someone's house guest at some point mistakenly used some (in the last 1 month we have probably had about 10 guests frequent the house - 7 of which was an all night drinking party)
  • No one in this house would purposely steal mouthwash from you

I only overheard parts of Housemate's rant on the matter, but I did catch Housemate saying that:
"I am not from a rich family"
Arguing that Housemate can't afford, in Housemate's mind someone purposely stealing from Housemate. I can only compare what I see of Housemate with my own situation. Housemate lives in London, doesn't work that much, is a full time student and still:

  • Comes home with shopping bags than me per month
  • Have more deliveries of things Housemate has bought online than me
  • Travel more frequently, both to visit Housemate's parents and to visit friends in other countires, than what I do

 And I would never kick up such a fuzz about a £5 bottle of mouthwash.

The result is that Housemate has moved out everything that belongs to Housemate from the shared bathroom.

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