Thursday in Pictures

Broken down pose or showing off amazing big-sleeved cardigan?

The Boy made food for our picnic lunch in the park

The Boy snapped a shot of me when I was off guard.

The Park

Our office-dog

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BunnyWizard said...

That looks like the best thursday ever! And probably the cutest dog ever. When I think office dog I think about the miniature dogs people make out of office supplies. But that is an actual dog!

Jim said...

Good Pics! Thinking...additional captions;
Posing as Mexicana Airlines logo,
tofu and or feta cashew salad,
red eye enlargement(opposite of red eye reduction),
Pyramid Head above the water,
professional production pooch.

Anonymous said...

the office dog is so cute and the park looks great.

Drizzle Kid said...

Thank you everyone. The office dog is male and named Sigge. He belongs to a man at the advertising firm which shares office with the advertising firm that I work on. So Sigge is at the office everyday and being spoiled silly by everyone. Who doesn't like to take a 5 min. break everyday to pet the pretty little dog?

Daslav Vladilo said...

thanks you for your comment on my blog..nice pictures..take care bye

Mimi said...

That dog is really adorable. Cute muffin =)

Annisa NF said...

nice pics! xo:)

Unknown said...

the dog is so cute :D
thanz for comment my post, hope you could do more :))

pullmyheartaway said...

i love your blogs & you're gorgeous.
oh, and yeah. I can't wait until the fourth season too, but they always take so long to make new episodes, which are few. like 10 in a season each.