Office Romeo

So me and the other temporary worker in the office are being trained up for a new position. This new position includes being on the counter - a public facing role where people walk in off the street and ask us questions.

So we are standing by the counter and being trained by a woman colleague of ours (she's a permanent full time employee). One of our other colleague walk past the counter and is heading home, let's call him the Office Romeo. He stops on the public sector part of the counter, leaning over it for a few moments and talking to us and then he walks out the door.

5 minutes later he comes back. He says:

"Can I just borrow this lovely lady for 2 minutes?"

Interrupting our training and stopping our female colleague mid-sentence. Office Romeo takes the other temp worker into the office away from the counter. A few moments later they come back, he walks back to the other side of the counter heading out yet again. He chats casually with us for a few moments, gripping a post-it note in his hand which I can clearly read parts of a number on.

This is what happened from his perspective:
So he leaves, changes his mind. Decides that he needs her number. Walks back in and is cocky enough to interrupt our training, asks for her number. He get's it and then casually walks out like he's the man. I have to give it to him, he kind of is.

He's the Office Romeo alright.

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