The last boy I actually liked

The last boy I actually liked was too much of a head ache. I would drive the situation, to a point where I asked myself - if I don't text him, will he text me back?
And guess what, when I stopped speaking to him. He stopped speaking to me. So I let it wither down and die.
Because if he can't make an effort to get in touch with me - then why should I make an effort with him?

He made me realise that I should probably be a little bit more skeptical in the future. That there actually are guys out there that will say anything to get you where they want you. Clearly, he was just feeding me a lot of bullshit - talking like he really had feelings for me and speaking like he had been hurt by someone in a relationship recently. Oh, well let's just say that from now on - I need to not trust people a little bit more. Not be so naive and make sure that people back up what they say with actions.

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Raggy Paints said...

I was once told by a very sensible friend: 'Never like someone more than they like you'. It isn't easy for some of us to do, but it is good advice if you can do it.

Drizzle Kid said...

That is very good advice. I think I need to take that on a little bit more in the future.